SATURN-04 CDOM calibration evaluation

by | Oct 2, 2013

The table below contains the quality flags associated with CDOM sensor calbration evaluations and the associated scaling used to bring various sensors into alignment.  Refer to the QA/QC general information page for information on the different quality levels.  The following slides provide details on CDOM data scaling & data quality evaluation: SATURN CDOM Sensor Performance & Data Scaling.pptx


Quality Flag Start Time End Time Scale Factor Offset Comment Instrument
QL2 8/1/12 10/8/12 14:00 1.65 -0.538 Due to a shift in WETLabs calibration procedure, the raw data were scaled by a factor of 1.587 (1/0.63) to be consistent with later data (following WETlabs customer alert in Sept. 2010). Following the recommended adjustment to the data, sensor checks in reference solutions were used to scale output  from the SATURN CDOM sensors to a common scale.  The final adjustment made to the data was a scale factor of 1.630  and a correction for a slight offset. WSCD#1338
QL2 10/8/12 14:00 1/10/13 0.92 -0.054 This sensor was deployed for a brief period at SATURN-04 during the end of 2012 and early 2013.  Aside from the 3 month deployment of this sensor, the same sensor (WSCD#1338) has been deployed at SATURN-04.   Sensor checks in reference solutions were used to scale output  from the SATURN CDOM sensors to a common scale.  The data from this sensor during this time  were scaled by a factor of 0.919 and corrected for a small offset. WSCD#1337
QL2 1/10/13 5/1/15 0.932 0.008 The sensor was factory calibrated on 10/24/12.  Sensor checks in reference solutions were used to scale output  from the SATURN CDOM sensors to a common scale.  Several checks show that this sensor remained relatively stable during this time period, with a scale factor of 0.93. WSCD#1338
QL2 5/5/15 1/20/17 1.189 0  Sensor checks in reference solutions were used to scale output  from the SATURN CDOM sensors to a common scale. The sensor check on 5/5/15 showed a slight shift in sensor response resulting in a scale factor of 1.19 (while the previous scale factor was 0.932). WSCD#1338