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Most recent data for this station is more than one week old, for more details:
- Check network
status for current issues
- Check the INVENTORY for historical data
Time on PST
MM DD h:m
Not working
Station: SATURN-09
Metrics for instruments at this station have not been computed, coming soon...
See the page
QA/QC Information and Procedures
for general information regarding quality controlled data levels and QA/QC procedures.
The graphs below plot the variable of interest using time of the observation against the fraction of the tidal
for that time colored by the quality levels for the given variable. Colors map to quality levels using the
following legend.
Raw data | ||
QL1: | is within current parameters for evaluating data as good (sensor specific) | |
QL2: | is possibly within current parameters for evaluating data as good or is outside by a moderate degree | |
QL3: | data quality issues/concerns or data corrected; see QA/QC information to determine if data are suitable | |
QL4: | data have significant quality issues/concerns and should be used with caution | |
QL5: | bad data; outliers |